London’s Trusted Boarding Up Specialists

When unexpected damage leaves your windows or doors exposed and vulnerable, swift action is crucial. As London’s go-to 24/7 boarding up experts, Glazing Works in London rapidly secures your property to prevent further issues whilst awaiting permanent glass repair. We make premises safe, weather-tight and protected around the clock.

Board Up Services in London

What Does Our Boarding Up Services Include?

Our boarding up provides temporary yet robust covering of smashed windows, broken doors or damaged walls using sturdy boards. Commonly needed after forced entry, vandalism or severe storms, professional boarding up safeguards against unlawful intrusion and the elements. It offers vital short-term protection until replacement glass is manufactured and installed.

Reasons for Emergency Boarding Up

Scenarios often requiring urgent boarding up include:

Break-ins – Deter further trespassing after burglaries leaving doors/windows compromised.
Vandalism – Secure the building following malicious glass breakage or graffiti.
Extreme Weather – Sudden high winds or falling trees can shatter windows. Boarding prevents interior damage.
Tenant Mishaps – Accidental damage by occupants is a frequent cause for boarding between tenancies.

top-quality glazing solutions across London

Contact us today for a free no obligation quote on your project.

Emergency Window Boarding in London

Advantages of Round-the-Clock Boarding Up

Neglecting emergency boarding exposes properties to considerable threats. Professional boarding delivers:

  • Premises Security

    Boarding up removes weak points exploitable by intruders or squatters.

  • Weather Defence

    Shut out wind, rain, snow and pests whilst glass repairs are pending.

  • Peace of Mind

    Rest assured knowing your property remains defended, even in your absence, after stressful damage occurs.

24 hour Boarding up Service London

Why Trust Us for Superior Boarding Up in London?

Our qualified glaziers, on call 24/7, provide:

  • Rapid 30-Minute Crisis Response

  • Tailored Boarding Up Solutions

  • Courteous and Dependable Tradesmen

  • Full Photo Documentation for Insurers

  • Advice on Improving Property Security

  • Upfront Fixed Pricing, No Hidden Fees

As certified boarding up installers, expect flawless workmanship and premium materials without premium rates.

top-quality glazing solutions across London

Contact us today for a free no obligation quote on your project.

Emergency Boarding up Cost in London

London Emergency Boarding Up Costs

Standard emergency boarding up typically costs start at £200. Pricing encompasses materials, custom fitting, labour, taxes and unsociable hour’s surcharges. Though an expense during an already taxing time, view professional boarding up in London as a prudent investment in your property’s safety and integrity.